Call for Award Nominations

Humanists Australia is now calling for nominations for the 2022 awards for the Australian Humanist of the Year and the Young Australian Humanist of the Year. Any Humanists Australia member can nominate someone for one, or both, of these awards. (You must be a member to nominate someone membership is available from $10 per month - or from $2 per month for concessions).

These awards are to honour someone non religious who has made an outstanding contribution to public life, consistent with Humanist principles and values and hold a secular world view, in keeping with the IHEU Minimum Statement on Humanism. You can also check out previous recipients on the Humanists Australia website here.

If you think you know a suitable candidate, please complete our Nomination Form, where you'll also find some additional information to guide the process. Note the deadline for submissions is February 25th. You are welcome to contact us to discuss a nomination if you have questions or would like further information.


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Humanism in WA: A Short History