Join Us
Are you a Humanist? If you identify as a Humanist, join us to support our five programs:
Campaigns: advocating for policies that reduce societal inequalities, advance secularism, advance human rights, and improve quality of life, guided by reason and evidence.
Ceremonies: helping people find celebrants to arrange heartfelt, authentic, non-religious ceremonies.
Communities: establishing communities around the country where humanists can meet and support each other, and engage in interesting and enjoyable activities.
Engagement: educating people about humanism and providing opportunities for people to engage in meaningful conversations about humanism.
Wellbeing: helping qualified non-religious care workers fill roles providing support for people in areas like the military, aged care, prisons, schools and communities.
✔️ I’d like to have a say in how Humanists Australia operates
✔️ I support the purposes and values of Humanists Australia (HA)
✔️ I accept the IHEU Minimum Statement on Humanism
✔️ I will abide by the HA code of conduct
Not sure about becoming a member but still want to support us? Donate to one of our five programs.
If you’d like to support us with your time rather than money, consider becoming a volunteer. Volunteers may be eligible for free membership!
Join Online via Credit Card
General membership
for anyone earning an income
Life membership
for people who can give extra support
Concession membership
for people with low or no income
Other Ways to Join
Contact team.ha@humanistsaustralia.org to join and pay via direct deposit or cheque.
If you have questions about membership you may want to check our frequently asked questions page.
Thank you to our Life Members for their generous support: Zelda Bailey, Dierk von Behrens, Rod Bower, Neville Buch, David Cosgrove, Mary-Anne Cosgrove, Rod Hill, Rosslyn Ives, Sue James, David Magson MBE, Ian McKerracher, Ange Miller, Dave Slatyer, Lyndon Storey and Drew Wolfendale.
Before I knew what humanism was, I had inadvertently adopted a humanist viewpoint. I considered joining Humanists Australia when I first discovered them, but I was dealing with some complicated life and health circumstances at the time and so I put it off. However, after a long year, and recognising how difficult that time was despite the privileges I have that others don't, I became even more committed to the goal of a humanist society than ever before. In short; I joined Humanists Australia because in my view, the time for a stronger voice for humanism is now.
– Drew Wolfendale, HA Life Member.