Humanist Communities in Australia
Humanists Australia is committed to encouraging the formation of, and providing support for, diverse and inclusive humanist communities around Australia. We have established communities around the country for the purposes of providing mutual support, fostering a sense of belonging and engaging people from all walks of life in humanist values and activities. Activities of current communities include but are not limited to discussion groups, picnics, walking, cultural activities and book clubs.
Our communities
Human Hearted Canberra
Human Hearted Canberra believe that the key to a flourishing society where everyone can thrive is by focussing on the things that really matter in life. Moving towards finding joy and fulfilment through our connections with each other, working together for a better world, and engaging with music, art and the environment. Moving away from consumerism and keeping up appearances.
Read more or request to join via their Meetup page
Email us at
Human Hearted Sydney
Human Hearted Sydney is a supportive, inclusive community of people with shared values in the Sydney metropolitan area.
We are founded on the principle of human hearted connection and compassion to support each other in solving life’s problems.
Read more or request to join via their Meetup page.
Email us at
Ex-Religious Support Network (ESN)
The Ex-Religious Support Network (ESN) is a place where people who have left their religion or are leaving their religion can develop friendships and tap into resources that will help them on their journey through a life without religion. This network offers an opportunity for members to share the challenges and triumphs of their journey towards unbelief. In this safe environment, members can learn and support others experiencing the same challenges as themselves.
Read more or request to join via their Meetup page.
Email us at
Humanists Brisbane
Humanists Brisbane is a group based within all variants of Humanism, in the spirit of a positive humanity, that promotes both physical and mental wellness through meaningful relationships, free-thinking, exercise, a supportive group and being kind to one another. We like to do meetups of just chatting, lunch meetups, taking walks or seeing movies sometimes. We also like to do the occasional charity event to slightly better life for individuals.
Read more or request to join via their Meetup page.
Email us at
Humanists Melbourne
Humanists Melbourne has developed an exciting new program, ‘Hands on Humanism’. If you are looking for inspiration for creating a purposeful year ahead, then why not play a hand in advancing this local community of Humanists? Our new team invites you to meet at one of our regular monthly face-to-face events in and around metropolitan Melbourne. Join us to discover WHY a Humanist way of life can lead to a flourishing future.
Read more or request to join via their Meetup page.
Email us at
Philosophy Matters
Philosophy Matters is for people who think deeply about the big questions in life and about the universe. Does God exist? Is morality subjective? How do we sort genuine knowledge from mere opinion? How are our minds related to our brains? Is this world just an illusion? If these are the kinds of questions that bug you, then join our Community. We discuss questions in all areas of philosophy: ethics, epistemology, logic and metaphysics.
Read more or request to join via their Meetup page.
Email us at
How are we doing with our communities?
Let us know at
Can’t find a humanist community near you?
For those who don’t live in regions with established communities, we offer a range of HA facilitated online events.
Any upcoming events are listed on our events page, our Meetup page, or in our fortnightly Enewsletter.
Our events page also lists a number of events around the country that are not facilitated or affiliated by HA but may be of interest to humanists and HA supporters alike.
Interested in applying to establish a humanist community in your region?
HA is committed to building humanist communities all around Australia, and we rely on volunteers from our membership and supporter base to establish and keep them running.
Find out more about how to establish a new community, including the:
process to apply
community rules and expectations
support offered by the HA team
We look forward to hearing from you!