HA national online events

We offer a program of national online events on a range of topics about humanism or related to the interests of humanists and people who share humanist values.

Find our upcoming events and register to attend via the Humanists Australia Meetup page.

Attendance at our events may involve a cost upon registration for non-members.

Financially contributing members of HA can attend at no cost.

HA community events

HA has established communities around the country who offer locally based events such as discussion groups, picnics, walking, cultural activities and book clubs. Learn more about our current communities and the events on offer:

Canberra Humanists Meetup

Sydney Metro Humanists Meetup

Brisbane Humanists Meetup

Ex-Religious Support Network Meetup

Philosophy Matters Meetup

How are we doing with our events?

Let us know at feedback@humanistsaustralia.org