Select stories below have also been published in our digital magazine, the Australian Humanist. Visit the magazine to read more.
HA supports YES vote on Indigenous Voice Referendum
Humanists Australia urges our members, and all Australians who are committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable society, where Indigenous Australians have a genuine voice and a meaningful role in shaping their own future, to vote YES.
HA supports Uluru Statement from the Heart
Humanists Australia supports the Uluru Statement from the Heart. We support the three key elements - voice, treaty, and truth - and accept the invitation from First Nations Peoples to all Australians, to walk with them in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.
HA Environment Challenge: Reducing our Footprint
Throughout the month of May, the Humanists Australia Environmental Challenge will get you thinking about consumerism, and give you tips and information on reducing your environmental footprint.
HA Environment Challenge: April is RECYCLE month!
April is RECYCLING month! During the month the Humanists Australia Environment Challenge will give you tips and information on making your recycling choice easier and more effective.