Celebrant Program Manager joins the Humanists Australia team

Humanists Australia are excited to announce the appointment of Alexandra Demetriadis as our Celebrant Program Manager. Alex will oversee the launch and day to day operations of our ceremonies program.

Alex has a background in marketing and has recently completed the first eleven months of her most challenging role yet - first time mum. “A professional career highlight for me would be the launch of our Qantas/ANZ campaign, which saw the first ever home loan with Qantas Points attached” says Alex when asked about a ‘golden moment’ in her career to date. Alex brings to the team not just her professional experience and strengths in marketing, but also her legal background and her unique ability to empathise and her personable nature.

When asked what attracted Alex to the role of Celebrant Program Manager at Humanists Australia, Alex says “I believe that every human being is entitled to feel supported and be included, regardless of circumstance and every person has the right to love and be loved and that should be celebrated. I am so excited to be part of the Humanists Australia journey and hope that in the future we are able to offer every human, from any walk of life, the opportunity to be part of an inclusive community and the ability to celebrate all of the most important of life’s milestones.”


Vale Peter Williams, OAM


Welcome to our two new HA Board directors