Activist for Life and Enlightenment

In this blog post Geoff Allshorn, HA member, pays tribute to Halina Strnad (21/04/1930 – 06/09/2022) a lifelong humanist and human rights activist.

Born in Poland, Halina suffered greatly through the Holocaust, losing both parents and spending time in the Lódź ghetto, then at Auschwitz and Stutthof concentration camps. After these horrors, she resolved as an adult to never let trauma or misfortune make her a victim.

Migrating to Australia after the war, Halina spent the rest of her life engaged in activism and efforts to make the world a better place. She was an active member of local humanist societies for many decades, becoming a recipient of the national Outstanding Humanist Achiever of the Year Award in 2002, and an Honorary Life Member of Humanists Victoria in 2018. Read more ... [Source: Humanist Blog]

Halina shows off one of her activist achievements: recognition of her work for Homeplus Living (photo: Geoff Allshorn, (c) 2 Sep 2022.)


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