ACT VAD: Media Release

Humanists advocate for holistic end of life care

The ACT Government is calling for submissions into Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) legislation for the ACT. Humanists Australia is drawing on the personal experience of its chair, Mary-Anne Cosgrove, on its values of compassion, reason, integrity and diversity, and on experience from other jurisdictions, to advocate for a compassionate, holistic approach to end of life care.

HA Chair Mary-Anne Cosgrove says “My father and I were with my mother when she decided to end her life. I fully understand the trauma that families endure when a loved one is determined to end their life on their own terms, but are not eligible for VAD. I also sat with my father in law as his life ended in the palliative care unit at Townsville hospital, so I deeply appreciate the importance of quality palliative care.”

Humanists Australia (HA) believes that the best approach to implementing VAD is a holistic approach that looks at how suffering may be reduced for the individual and their loved ones, especially (but not exclusively) as the end of life approaches. HA recognises that intolerable suffering is a complex condition that has many causes, including physical pain, fear of death, social isolation, financial strain, and a feeling of being a burden on their family or society. Australian governments should aim for a framework of various support measures including VAD, that eases suffering while ensuring that individuals are not coerced or manipulated into choosing VAD.

When considering who should and who should not be eligible for VAD, it is important to bear in mind that a person who knows they are not eligible will not seek VAD. They may take matters into their own hands without ever being offered the psychological, social, financial or medical support that may have eased their suffering.

While the aim is always to reduce suffering, HA understands political realities and recognises that even highly restrictive VAD legislation is better than no VAD legislation. VAD legislation in the ACT should be periodically reviewed, taking into consideration statistics and personal stories from the ACT and from other jurisdictions, and adjusted if necessary.

Find Humanists Australia’s VAD campaign at

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For further information contact:

Mary-Anne Cosgrove

Humanists Australia is a registered charity and member of Humanist International that advocates for humanism as an ethical and democratic life stance. This philosophy emphasises the importance of reason, free inquiry, and human values, and affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to shape their own lives. As a non-theistic approach, humanism rejects supernatural beliefs and instead seeks to promote an ethical framework based on reason, empathy, and compassion. In an increasingly secular world, humanism offers a valuable alternative for those seeking meaning and purpose in their lives. Humanists Australia works to promote humanism in Australia through education, advocacy, and community engagement with the aim of creating a more just and equitable society based on human and natural values. To learn more about our work and how you can get involved, visit our website at


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