Privacy Policy
We value and respect your privacy. We undertake to take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy of
people accessing our website and supplying information, and to keep that information as secure as
possible. This policy is designed to protect your information. It sets out what type of information we might
collect, how we will use it, and how we will store it.
The Privacy Policy applies to our website and to information held by Humanists Australia (the Company)
relating to our members and others. On becoming a member of Humanists Australia and accessing our
website you agree to the Privacy Policy. If you do not accept the Privacy Policy in force from time to time, do
not access, use or submit information to our website, or register as a member of Humanists Australia.
a. Collection of Personal Information
We collect personal information about our members for the purpose of maintaining a register of members of
the Company, in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act), Chapter 2C, S169. This information is
submitted by our members when completing a membership application form.
the Company will only collect personal information necessary to deliver our services and comply with the Act.
We may collect the following types of personal information: address and contact details; details about skills
and interests; payment details and other information relevant to the relationship of the individual with the
Company. We may also from time to time collect sensitive information such as philosophical or religious
beliefs or affiliations, but only on a voluntary basis.
In common with many websites our website may collect aggregated information which tells us about
visitors to our website but not the identity of those visitors. For example, we may collect information about
the date, time and duration of visits and which pages of the website are most commonly accessed. This
information is used by us to help to administer and improve the website.
b. Use of Personal Information
the Company uses personal information to provide services. We may also use personal information to notify
individuals of information and opportunities they may be interested in; for example sending a newsletter or a
notice of a meeting, or other event relating to the Company.
Our policy is not to provide personal information to third parties.
De-identified data may be used to meet regulatory and funding requirements or for the purposes of internal
reporting and improvement of services.
c. Third Party Use of Personal Information
We are not responsible for the practices or content of other services or sites that are operated by third
parties but which are linked to our website. If we are linked to third party services or sites, then it does not
necessarily constitute sponsorship, endorsement or approval by the Company of the content, policies or
practices of those services or sites. If you leave our website via such a link, you should check the privacy
policy of the third party site.
d. Security of personal information
the Company will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, interference and loss,
unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Only authorised Society personnel are provided with
access to individuals’ personal information. Where personal information is no longer required by the
Company, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify information in accordance with legal
requirements for retention and disposal.
e. Permitted Disclosure
Under the Act, the register of members must include the name and address of each member of the
Company. The register of members of the Company, including your name, must be open for inspection by
other members. In relation to inspection of the register by other members it is possible to use the address of
the Company as your member’s address. Please contact the Secretary to discuss how this may be achieved.
You consent to the Company at its discretion using your personal information to check your identity. You
consent to the Company disclosing your personal information to law enforcement agencies and others if we
in good faith believe we are legally obligated to do so.
f. Right of Access and Correction
You may access the personal information the Company holds about you. Generally, if any of that information
is incorrect, you can contact the Secretary to arrange for the information to be corrected.
g. Complaints and Enquiries
the Company takes all complaints seriously. To lodge a complaint, or seek further information about this
policy please contact:
The Secretary
Humanists Australia