Position Statements

What is a Position Statement?

A Position Statement sets out Humanists Australia’s point of view on a particular topic or issue, in line with our values and guided by reason and evidence.

Why does HA have Position Statements?

Part of HA’s vision is to be “an influential voice effecting positive social change in keeping with humanist values.”

To achieve this we want to be able to act rapidly in response to current events by writing media releases, sending letters to politicians, or calling for action from our members. Having considered, prepared position statements on multiple issues available to us gives us some guidance on what to say in response to current events and when creating Campaigns.

Who is a Position Statement for?

Humanists Australia’s leadership look to them when responding to current events or creating calls to action - Campaigns.

Position statements allow Humanists Australia’s members to have a say in HA’s stance on particular issues.

Members of the public can read HA’s position statements to understand how Humanist values relate to real-world concerns.

How are HA’s Position Statements created?

The initial draft is created by a team of two or three people, including at least one subject matter expert. When that team is happy with the draft it is sent to HA members for their feedback. The authors incorporate some or all of that feedback into a final version for publication, which is sent to members for approval or rejection. Approved Position Statements are registered and published on the HA website.

Can a Position Statement be changed?

Yes, any HA member can request a change to any HA Position Statement. The requested change will be put to a vote for members to approve or reject.

How can I help?

If you are a HA member or an expert in a particular topic, and would like to contribute to an existing or future Position Statement, contact campaigns@humanistsaustralia.org.

