Walk for Yes in Canberra

by Melissa Robbie

Melissa with humanist friend Michele at the walk

An estimated 5000 people Walked for Yes to the Voice in Canberra, joining many other cities and towns around the country on 15/16 September.

Prof Maree Meredith from ANU, a proud Bidjara woman, was one of many to address the crowd, asking us to look past haters and embrace reform which could help tackle the 8 years shorter lifespan of first nations people.

Our member Melissa Robbie reflected on the speeches at the rally to say that our Humanist values of honesty (about our nation founded on the lie of Terra Nullius) and fairness (to the dispossessed) urges us to support the Voice. Our humanist values urge compassion and understanding to those suffering physical and mental illnesses triggered by deprivation of their culture though language suppression, being forcibly taken from their birth family, and forced away from the healthy diet of living on the natural bounty of what was once their land.

Our humanist values urge us to give respect to other people regardless of their customs being different to ours. Recognition at a fundamental level through our constitution can help to restore the respect lacking in previous government actions.

As a doctor, Melissa adds that after much deliberation the Australian Medical Association and various medical specialist colleges (and our own ACT Medical Women’s society) have all decided that the Voice to Parliament will make a valuable and important step towards improving the health of our First Nations people.

Conversations of marchers after the rally touched on the fear many older Australians had been told to have for making a change. And how important it is to realise that a No vote is just as much a decision as a Yes vote, and a very risky one with repercussions likely through encouraging active and overt racism to rear it’s head in our community.


Thank you Ange!


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