Victorian parliamentary prayer

Humanists Australia has joined with our affiliate Humanists Victoria and our allies the Rationalist Society of Australia and the National Secular lobby, as well as the Atheist Foundation of Australia, to send a joint letter calling for the Victorian Parliament to replace daily Christian prayers with a more welcoming and inclusive practice, like the ACT’s moment of silent reflection.

Although the Labor government has promised to replace daily prayers with something more appropriate, religious lobbyists have, in recent weeks, stepped up their pressure on the government to keep the prayers.

Opposition Leader John Pesutto and many Liberal members have backed a campaign by the Australian Christian Lobby calling for prayers to continue to be imposed on non-religious and non-Christian people in the state parliament.

If you’re a Victorian and you support removing prayers from parliament, please contact your local members of parliament in the lower house, the Legislative Assembly, and in the upper house, the Legislative Council.


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