Freedom of Thought Report

Humanist International’s annual Freedom of Thought Report assesses every country in the world on the basis of human rights and the legal status with regard to humanists, atheists, and the non-religious.

Humanists Australia has been working with Humanists International (HI) to update the Australian section of the report.

As part of that exercise HI is seeking personal stories ("testimony") on the lived experience of humanists in Australia.

They say: "...if it would be possible to collect any testimony from among your Members about what it's like to be non-religious for them - be it positive or negative. As the text is quite technical and legal, we like to include testimony where possible to ensure that we represent lived experience.

Depending on the entry, that testimony demonstrates that lived experience is the same, better or worse (than in 2019 when the report was last updated).

We accept testimony under pseudonyms or anonymously, if individuals prefer. Testimony is published on our website and the print edition and, while it could be removable from the website, once published in print it is more difficult to recall."

If you would like to contribute, please send your contribution to so we can pass it on. Please also let us know if you'd be happy for us to use it on our website or in our other communications, with our without your name.


HA Environment Challenge: March is REUSE month!


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