Ex-Religious Support Group
On 4 July, nine of us got together on Zoom for our Ex-Religious Support Network meeting.
Again, we welcomed a number of members from overseas zooming in. We also commiserated over the death of cherished member Barry Knights who lost his long battle with cancer. As an atheist and ex-pastor, Barry was a tireless crusader against religious excess and a wonderful regular contributor to this group. We will miss his witticisms and passion.
After our usual introductions, we spent much of our time discussing how to navigate personal relationships with those who remain in their religion. We tossed around the question about our obligations owed to previous religious friends and acquaintances to continue justifying our abandoning of our religion. We also mused over navigating romantic relationships when one partner remains committed to their religion and the pros and cons of journaling our journey out of our religion.
Participants offered many practical ideas and their own experiences. This is what this group is all about: people helping people in their time of need.
You can check out when our next Ex-Religious Support Network casual get-together is on at https://www.meetup.com/ex-religious-support-network/events/ We'd love to see you there.