2023 Melbourne Pride March
While HA planned to participate in the Melbourne Pride March in 2022, covid risk and other concerns held us back. This year our friends at Rainbow Atheists took the lead and we marched as a small but enthusiastic combined group.
The weather and the excited and friendly vibe of the march was fabulous and a great time was had by all. Waiting for the march to begin allowed for lots of discussions, photos and story swapping with other groups of all types.
Our simple signage focused on the fact that Humanists in Australia, including HA, have been supporting LGBT+ rights since 1966. We acknowledged the work of HV over many years and emphasised that one of HA's key Values is Diversity and striving to be inclusive.
We are already thinking about bigger signs and a bigger group for next year. If you'd like to help with preparations, or march with us, please drop a message to Rainbow Atheists here or to HA here.