More community gardening resources

Here are some further resources to inspire and get you thinking about more sustainable measures you can take or advocate for locally!

Pocket Farms

Pocket city farms seek to empower communities through education to improve the natural environment, tackle food insecurity and take action on climate change.

Creating an urban farm-friendly Australia

Explores several high-tech growing opportunities including floating glasshouses, container farms and turning carparks into urban horticulture farms in a way that is highly water efficient and resilient to the extreme elements. 

Sydney City Farm

Sydney City Farm is a place to learn about urban agriculture and sustainable food production.

It grows fresh seasonal produce and minimises waste while using organic growing principles.

Canberra City Farm

Canberra City Farm has a number of allotments of various sizes that members can rent on an annual basis to grow their own food. This can be especially helpful for those who live in high rise or don’t have access to land to make their own garden.

Community Gardens Australia

Community Gardens Australia is a networking organisation connecting community gardeners around Australia

Cultivating Communities

Its mission is to work with diverse and low-income communities to create fair, secure and resilient food systems. Its vision is for joyful, connected communities who care for each other and the Earth. Its purpose is to inspire a healthy and just world.

Sustainable Gardening Australia

Sustainable Gardening Australia (SGA) is contributing to sustainability through gardens by protecting and nurturing the natural environment, fostering biodiversity and encouraging local healthy food production. By providing education and information it aims to inspire and empower our community to work towards a healthy, climate-safe, biodiverse planet.

Verge Garden Project Australia - Facebook

Open Food Network

This an open-source platform which enables new, ethical supply chains by making it easy and efficient. Food producers can sell online, wholesalers can manage buying groups and supply through networks of food hubs and shops. Communities can bring together producers to create a virtual farmers’ market, building a resilient local food economy.

Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is the idea of building vertically stacked farms that produce crops three times as fast, whilst using 40% less power, having 80% less food waste, and using 95% less water than outdoor fields. 

How to go urban foraging safely, respectfully and cleverly (Australian Geographic)