Test 1 – Say no to single use plastic bags

Those flimsy plastic bags used in the vegetable and delicatessen sections of the supermarket look so light that they could easily be blown away.  And that is what happens to them when they end up in landfill, they blow away into the environment.  Not only do they litter the landscape they are eaten by cows and other animals that do not know they are inedible.  Dying by a surfeit of plastic bags is a horrible way to go.

These single use plastic bags also float and surprisingly can make it from landfill into streams and eventually into the ocean.  They can be eaten by birds along the way and marine mammals.  One estimate is that 100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic pollution annually. One dead whale had 40kg of plastic inside it, another had 80 plastic bags.

What you need to do: in July and beyond be committed to not using any flimsy plastic bags. 

To succeed in this challenge you will need to do some preparation such as purchasing the below items.

Never go shopping without these items so you never have an excuse to use plastic bags. If you are caught short take the bags home, wash them and reuse them over and over again.

A large natural fibre basket, cloth bags or sturdy paper shopping bag and put your vegetables and fruit directly into it.

Washable netting bags for multiple vegetables or pieces of fruit, they make weighing a number of vegetables and pieces of fruit easier.

Brown paper bags for soft fruits and mushrooms.

Waxed paper bags for meat and delicatessen products.