Test 4 – Become a plastics free activist

Your activism on this involves changing your personal habits, but also more broadly:

  • positively influencing the behaviours of others, and

  • advocating and lobbying for wider social change!

1.     Reduce your use of plastics and share your strategies for going plastic free with others

2.     Reduce the amount of plastics you throw out by reusing, recycling and repurposing plastic items

3.     Before buying an item that contains plastic or is packaged in plastics research what alternatives are available

4.     Send an email, or write to shops and organisations that sell natural products, or recycled products and advocate for packaging that contains no plastics and which is recyclable or reusable

5.     Send an email, or write to shops and organisations about their products and packaging that contain plastics that could be replaced with alternative more environmentally friendly material or not packaged at all.  Let them know this is important to you when you make purchasing choices to encourage them to become more environmentally aware

6.     Volunteer to help clean up plastics that have made their way into the environment or to help recycle plastics or to help inform people on alternatives to plastic

7.     Lobby for the reduction of the fossil fuel industry in Australia, not just because of the effects it has on global warming but because of its huge contribution to the proliferation of plastic, in particular campaign for the end of government subsidies to this industry

Remember, every step you take towards a plastic free world matters no matter how small