Say Yes to Lids for Kids

Lids4Kids Australia is an environmental charity committed to rescuing every plastic bottle lid from going into landfill to protect the environment and benefit kids. Lids4Kids partner with many other recycling plastic manufacturers to repurpose lids into any sustainable recycled plastic items to benefit the communities in which they were collected. Items that have been made from plastic lids are plant pots, clipboards, bowls, pens, earrings, phone holders and park seats.

It is not just plastic lids that are collected. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to recycle lids from jars, tags from bread wrappings, metal lids including beer bottle caps, plastic pull caps from sauce bottles etc, plastic and foil wraps for pills, and aluminium foil. Many people recycle glass and plastic bottles but thanks to all the volunteers that help sort the lids, this scheme allows you to recycle what comes with the bottles and is usually so small that it falls between the cracks at most recycling centres.

What you need to do: 

1.     Check out the Lids4Kids website and find out what items can be

recycled in your state or territory

2.     Start collecting lids and other items that can be recycled

through this scheme

3.     Make sure your lids and other items are clean – remove any

liners in bottle caps etc

4.     When you have a suitable number take them to a collection


5.     Keep up the effort and know that you have made a substantial

contribution to removing plastic waste from the environment