Evan Karas Evan Karas

Alisdair G

Humanism is the voice of a secular society trying to be ethical.

— Alisdair G

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

Bette Chambers

Humanism is the light of my life and the fire in my soul. It is the deep felt conviction, in every fiber of my being that human love is a power far transcending the relentless, onward rush of our largely deterministic cosmos. All human life must seek a reason for existence within the bounds of an uncaring physical world, and it is love coupled with empathy, democracy, and a commitment to selfless service which undergirds the faith of a humanist.

— Bette Chambers, former president of the AHA

Humanism is the light of my life and the fire in my soul. It is the deep felt conviction, in every fiber of my being that human love is a power far transcending the relentless, onward rush of our largely deterministic cosmos. All human life must seek a reason for existence within the bounds of an uncaring physical world, and it is love coupled with empathy, democracy, and a commitment to selfless service which undergirds the faith of a humanist.

— Bette Chambers, former president of the AHA

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

Mary Oliver

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

— Mary Oliver

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

Mary-Anne C

Humanism is the guiding compass in my life. When I ask myself "How should I behave?", humanism gives me the answer. Starting with respect and compassion for all humans and other animals, I build from there using evidence based rational thought.

— Mary-Anne C

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

David C

To me, Humanism means taking the ethical responsibility to centre your values on altruism and compassion to all, independent of dogma and regardless of religious claims. This type of humanism applies such value judgments consistently, and is both community-oriented and forward-looking, with the recognition of all life and culture as worthy of consideration.

— David C

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

Ian M

Humanism - The only evidence based approach to a meaningful and compassionate life

— Ian M

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

IHEU Minimum Statement on Humanism

Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality.

— IHEU Minimum Statement on Humanism

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

Debbie H

Although I identify as an atheist, to me this doesn't go beyond a simple statement of non-belief. Humanism, by contrast (while also non-theist) provides a positive foundation for living an ethical and meaningful life. I appreciate the way that humanism’s tenets place a trust in human potential and in the ability of individuals to shape their own lives, formulate reasonable and useful values, and accept responsibility towards other people, other species, and future generations. I find it a very hopeful perspective.

— Debbie H

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

Australian Humanist Magazine

Humanists try to lead ethical and responsible lives without reliance on belief in supernatural influences. They consider that it is possible to build a more humane, democratic society using human capabilities, tempered by critical reason and a spirit of free enquiry.

— Australian Humanist Magazine

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Evan Karas Evan Karas

Lyndon S

Humanism emphasizes the role of human agency in developing community and purpose in life. As human beings we have within us the potential for love, compassion, intellectual curiosity, and many other positive things besides. Humanism is the view that humans can build on this potential to build better and more meaningful lives for ourselves, and for others.

— Lyndon S

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