Environment Challenge

Image by Freepik

We Know You Want to Save the World but How Well Are You Doing? 

The enormity of climate change and its effects are often overwhelming. We all feel it. Humanists Australia acknowledges a substantial proportion of responsibility and action to be taken sits with governments and corporations, and there is only so much we can do as individuals to address it.

It’s easy to feel like our individual efforts are futile in the bigger scheme of things, but it’s useful to keep in mind the immediate environment around us, and the ways we help to keep it clean.

Think globally, act locally! Every effort counts and we may even feel empowered in the process.

Our original challenge ran from March to July 2023, but you can try it anytime, at any time of the year, month by month.

Up for the Challenge?

March is REUSE month!
Ange Miller Ange Miller

March is REUSE month!

In an effort to set new behaviours we have set up a 20 day challenge focusing on three common household products that with thoughtful management can help reduce your household impact on the environment. Take the test!

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April is RECYCLE month!
Ange Miller Ange Miller

April is RECYCLE month!

If you don’t want to add to the mountains of rubbish that end up in landfill each year then recycling as much of your own unwanted items as possible is a must. However, some thought has to go into organising your recycling efforts.

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July is Plastic-Free month!
Ange Miller Ange Miller

July is Plastic-Free month!

July marks the end of the HA Environment Challenge, and to bring it to a close we are focusing on Plastic Free July. Keeping our environment clean is not just about recycling plastics. It involves making every effort we can to refuse single-use plastics.

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