Try our 20 Day REUSE Test!

Challenge #2 - REUSE PAPER

For 20 days re-use any paper that you that comes into your home at least once.

Need some tips and ideas? Look no further!

  1. Make note pads out of cut up left-over paper, use the unprinted side of single-printed paper for making notes or drawing practice;

  2. Use paper to wrap up garbage rather than using plastic bags;

  3. Use newspaper to line cat litter trays;

  4. Use newspaper to clean windows using water and a little vinegar;

  5. Scrunch up paper and use it instead of bubble wrap and beads to pack fragile items to post;

  6. Generously wrap items with paper to protect them when moving;

  7. Shred your leftover paper and use it for pet cages and as a mulch in the garden to keep weeds down;

  8. Use newspaper or other absorbent paper to clean fat and oil out of frypans before washing them;

  9. Pace wet paper over the top of a warm (not hot) barbeque. Put the lid down, leave for an hour, and then wipe the plate and grill clean;

  10. Use used wrapping paper to line drawers and shelves, you can iron it to get out creases; 

  11. Make fire lighting sticks by rolling up newspaper pages and tying them in a knot;

  12. Make lighters or spills by rolling up small pieces of paper; use to light candles;

  13. Put absorbent paper at the bottom of your vegetable crisper to absorb smells and keep the vegetables drier;

  14. When storing fruit or vegetables in a dark cupboard, wrap them in used tissue paper to help absorb moisture and keep them firmer – replace as necessary;

  15. Place green tomatoes on newspaper in a cardboard box, cover more paper, place lid on and leave to ripen – check on progress every now and again;

  16. Recycle paper to use to wrap gifts, even brown paper and newspaper can look effective;

  17. Use wrapping paper to cover shoe boxes to use for storage;

  18. Stuff shoes and bags with scrunched paper to help them keep their shape;

  19. Use left over newspaper or wrapping paper to protect surfaces when you are working and on the floor near the door for muddy shoes and boots to be left before entering the house;

  20. Cover books with leftover wrapping paper;

  21. Place scrunched up balls of newspaper in smelly cases or shoes overnight to absorb musty smells;

  22. Put torn up paper towel in the compost – but moisten it first.

  23. Make seed pots out of shaped moist paper using cake tins, cups, basins to give a shape and leave to dry;

  24. Use leftover paper bags to store mushrooms in the fridge or ripen fruit;

  25. Make your own paper out of leftover paper – you can add seeds, flowers and threads;

  26. There are many artworks and crafts that use paper – such as papier mâché, making baskets out of paper, Christmas ornaments, cards, collages, or frames of beautiful wrapping paper, origami, scrapbooks, beading and jewellery.