Try our 20 Day REUSE Test!

Challenge #4 - What else can I reuse?

For 20 days sort out what you intend to throw away, other than food, paper and plastic bags (see above), each day and make sure you re-use as much as you can that you can’t re-cycle.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Check with you local authorities to be sure which items can be recycled.  For example, in some jurisdictions the plastic caps on plastic milk containers can be recycled as well as the plastic closure tags on loaves of sliced bread and empty foil pill packets;.

  2. Mend and alter clothes and re-use.  Repairs such as darning can be part of an item’s charm,

  3. Keep empty containers for storing leftovers and other household and shop items.

  4. Take cleaned take away containers when you go shopping and ask shop assistants to put food like dried beans, nuts etc in these rather than get another container of plastic bag;

  5. Repair, rather than replace, broken or worn-out products. A coat of paint can work wonders;

  6. Transform empty plastic bottles into bird feeders, scoops, terrariums, or watering cans.

  7. Make dust cloths from old towels and sheets;

  8. Reupholster or slipcover outdated furniture;

  9. Buy rechargeable batteries and appliances;

  10. Use old toothbrushes for household cleaning;

  11. Wash and reuse aluminium foil;

  12. Wash and reuse vegie bags and plastic sandwich bags;

  13. Re-use jiffy bags by sticking new labels on the outside;

  14. Use old sheets and shower curtains as drop cloths;

  15. Store elastic bands for re-use;

  16. Use dish cloths rather than swipes but wash frequently;

  17. Use the mesh bags that oranges etc come in as storage bags or roll one up to use a pot scrubber;

  18. Use old toothbrushes to clean things other than your teeth;

  19. Use old containers for pot plants, little ones are idea for small pots of succulent or cacti – just don’t let them get water-logged;

  20. Use tins, boxes, bags for storage;

  21. Use household bits and pieces that you would otherwise throw out to make artworks such as sculptures or mosaics using broken DVDs, CDs or crockery;

  22. Save twine and string, ribbons for decorating gifts.