Working towards true separation of church and state
In the 2021 Census, 39% of Australians chose “no religion”; significantly more than any one religious denomination. Most Australians believe keeping church and state separate is very important.
Humanists Australia agrees with the idea of state neutrality when it comes to religion. This means that the law should treat everyone equally, without favoring any specific religion or persecuting anyone for their beliefs. We believe that everyone should be allowed to practice their religion, as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. We also believe that everyone should have the freedom to not follow any religion and live their lives without interference from other people's religious ideas.
For too long, some religions and churches have been able to exert undue influence on the legislature. No person should be disadvantaged by their personal belief choices, nor should any religion hold a disproportionate amount of power.
For true separation of church and state, all Australians deserve to live in a country where they enjoy freedom of - and from - religion.
2026 Census topic consultation
The census question on religion has been misleading in previous years, because by asking the question “What is your religion?” it begins with the presumption that the person has a religion, and that may influence the answer.
We have joined with our colleagues from the Census21 coalition - Humanists Victoria, the Rationalist Society of Australia, the National Secular Lobby, the Atheist Foundation of Australia and Sydney Atheists - to prepare and submit a response to the Australian Bureau of Statistics calling for feedback on census questions.
How you can help
Show your support for true separation of church and state. Please sign and share the petition below so we can raise our voices together.
Sign and share the petition, join us, or donate today.