Towards true separation of church and state
Humanists Australia values the inherent dignity and worth of every individual and recognises the fundamental importance of human flourishing within a just and equitable society. In pursuit of these principles, we advocate for the following:
the separation of the state from religious institutions,
public policy that is grounded in reason, evidence and universal ethical values, and
fostering a society where all can flourish, whether they are religious or non-religious.
What is Secularism?
The word ‘secularism’ has been used in different ways by different authors. Humanists Australia adopts the definition provided by Andrew Copson in his book on the topic, as the following three parts:
separation of religious institutions from the institutions of the state and no domination of the political sphere by religious institutions;
freedom of thought, conscience, and religion for all, with everyone free to change their beliefs and manifest their beliefs within the limits of public order and the rights of others;
no state discrimination against anyone on the grounds of their religion or non-religious world view, with everyone receiving equal treatment on these grounds.
[Secularism: A Very Short Introduction by Andrew Copson, Oxford University Press, 2019]
Secularism is not an attack on religion; rather, it is a safeguard for religious freedom and pluralism. A secular government respects the autonomy of individuals to hold diverse beliefs, whether religious, non-religious, or otherwise, without imposing any particular worldview on others. It fosters an environment where individuals are free to express their beliefs or non-beliefs without fear of discrimination or coercion, as long as they harm no other.
2026 Census topic consultation
The census question on religion has been misleading in previous years, because by asking the question “What is your religion?” it begins with the presumption that the person has a religion, and that may influence the answer.
We have joined with our colleagues from the Census21 coalition - Humanists Victoria, the Rationalist Society of Australia, the National Secular Lobby, the Atheist Foundation of Australia and Sydney Atheists - to prepare and submit a response to the Australian Bureau of Statistics calling for feedback on census questions.
How you can help
Show your support for true separation of church and state. Please sign and share the petition below so we can raise our voices together.
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