Human Union

Supporting global action on human rights

All humans are entitled to basic justice, protection and human rights; but across the world we know these rights aren’t afforded equally to everyone.

Humanists Australia supports calls for countries to commit to a minimum set of common political values on human rights, democracy, and environmental protection. The establishment of an international union of member states which upholds these standards would drive greater global action on human rights to deliver justice for all.

A human union can start with one country issuing a declaration that they are willing to negotiate with others to stand up for all human rights. We need a unified approach to solve the huge challenges facing our world. 

What we’re doing

We advocate for greater political cooperation among states and nations to improve human rights globally. We support calls to progress an international Human Union which fosters a genuine global human community. 

Humanists Australia advocates for policies that reduce societal inequalities, advance secularism, advance human rights, and improve quality of life. Find out more about humanism.

Human Rights Begins at Home

Humanists Australia supports the rights of our own first nations peoples. We support the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and a YES vote for the referendum on an indigenous voice to parliament.

How you can help

Show your support for global action on human rights. Donate or join us today.

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Climate Change and the Environment