AHOY 2012: Ronald Williams
In appreciation of Ron’s public stand for the principle of separation of church and state. Ron has initiated a challenge to the constitutional legality of Commonwealth Government funding for overtly religious purposes. In so doing, he has argued for the rights of public school students and their parents to be free from an inappropriate intrusion of religion into the secular space of public schooling.
AHOY 2011: Dr. Leslie Cannold
In recognition of her outstanding contribution to public debate on bio-ethics, especially issues affecting women and family life. She excels at presenting complex and controversial ideas with clarity. She is much appreciated by thinking people as a beacon of the well informed, reasoned argument in the media sea of misinformation.
AHOY 2010: Bob Brown
In recognition of his years of outspoken advocacy for a secular, liberal democracy. By his passionate campaigning to save native forests and waterways from despoliation he inspired countless young people to become politically involved. We commend his earnest commitment to the Humanist values of fairness, justice, common sense and compassion, and we welcome the enlightened stance he has taken on many controversial issues like voluntary euthanasia, same-sex rights and chaplaincies in schools.
AHOY 2009: Julian Burnside
In recognition of his active commitment to human rights, particularly his willingness to take on the cases of asylum seekers, pro bono, and his eloquent public advocacy of the rights of refugees. We commend him for his courageous public stand when championing human rights in Australia was at a very low point. This was a joint award with Kate Durham.
AHOY 2009: Kate Durham
In recognition of her dedicated support for human rights, through such practical assistance as the successful Spare Rooms for Refugees project, and by the use of her creative artistry with paint and film to show the often tragic consequences of human rights violations such as the Tampa incident, which touched the consciences of Australians. Joint award with Julian Burnside